League-of-Foundry-Developers / torch

Simple torch module for Foundry VTT
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German Update [Create de.json] #15

Closed ToGreedy closed 1 year ago

lupestro commented 2 years ago

A couple of settings went away for v10 - we now rely upon the actor's prototype token for the off values - two new ones were added, and we can no longer afford to "borrow" the names of the radii from core. With a whole supporting tab to provide context, the names in core became very short, like "Bright" and "Dim".

    "torch.playerUsesInventory.name": "Player Uses Inventory",
    "torch.playerUsesInventory.hint": "If set, when the player toggles a torch, it will use the actors inventory.",
    "torch.gameLightSources.name": "Additional Light Sources",
    "torch.gameLightSources.hint": "JSON file containing additional light sources to use beyond those supplied",
    "torch.brightRadius.name": "Bright Light Radius",
    "torch.dimRadius.name": "Dim Light Radius"

Could you update these for the v10 branch? I'll get what you already gave me into v10 and then see about merging and issuing a new release with German for v9 in main/master.

ToGreedy commented 2 years ago

I am still quite new on github. But I am happy if I can help :D Here are the german translations for the new settings.

"torch.playerUsesInventory.name": "Spieler verwendet Inventar",
"torch.playerUsesInventory.hint": "Wenn diese Option gesetzt ist, verwendet der Spieler beim Umschalten einer Fackel sein Inventar.",
"torch.gameLightSources.name": "Zusätzliche Lichtquellen",
"torch.gameLightSources.hint": "JSON Datei mit zusätzlichen Lichtquellen, die über die mitgelieferten hinaus verwendet werden sollen",
"torch.brightRadius.name": "Radius des hellen Licht",
"torch.dimRadius.name": "Radius des gedämpften Licht"

If more is needed in the future I'll try to help as good as I can ^^

lupestro commented 2 years ago

This is great! Thanks! I've got more last-minute testing to do today with 10.275 and then I'm aiming to get a new drop out for v10 this evening. Your translation will be in it.