League-of-Foundry-Developers / torch

Simple torch module for Foundry VTT
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[Suggestion] Option to disable check for Dancing Lights #17

Closed BadIdeasBureau closed 2 years ago

BadIdeasBureau commented 2 years ago

The token spawn for Dancing Lights can be neat, but can also be a bunch of extra admin to move them around, when players may just want to have a light source moving with them. As such, gating this behind a setting would be a good idea.

See, e.g. this conversation on Discord, with a user who likes the base functionality but dislikes the automatic dancing lights. https://discord.com/channels/170995199584108546/670336046164213761/986703936448790628

lupestro commented 2 years ago

Torch v2.0.0 has just been released for Foundry VTT 10. It lets the user specify which light source to use, which should mitigate this problem.

For now, only run FoundryVTT 10 on a test server. It is still very much a work in progress and various systems and modules may corrupt data or cause hangs that require restarts. This will improve sharply over the coming few weeks.

lupestro commented 2 years ago

You should be able to get everything you want by the new behavior in v2.x for Foundry VTT 10. Closing the issue.