League-of-Foundry-Developers / torch

Simple torch module for Foundry VTT
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Torch changes token settings #22

Closed Jensenator360 closed 1 year ago

Jensenator360 commented 2 years ago

When I disable and enable the characters light-source, it changes the light intensity and I need to manually change the settings back. chrome_Hjhl3wNSEL

lupestro commented 2 years ago

Based on your statement of the issue, I'm not sure what you expected, and I want to make sure that I respond to the right issue.

Here is how it works today:

I'm interested in how you were expecting it to work. I'm always open to new and perhaps better ways of doing things. Whatever you expected might offer the seeds of doing something a better way, providing opportunities for useful features.

Torch is, in many ways, very limited. It provides a simple and primitive interface for "flicking your Bic." I just added a way to select what kind of Bic to flick, but that's about it.

So let me know what you expected to happen, how you expected it would work, and we can explore it together a bit. Feel free to chat me up on Discord as well to bat this thing around.

RedVanGhoul commented 1 year ago

The README.MD doesn't say how to do this. Is there a different readme I should be looking at?

I am having a similar problem where activating a light will override the light angle setting on a character. In Foundry v9, I could simply set "Light Angle" to 60 and activating Torch would respect that angle limit. Now, it seems to be pulling information from a Flashlight item in my player's inventory (Savage Worlds) and automatically changes it to an angle of 3.

I have no idea where that information is saved for the flashlight itself and fiddling around with Torch's settings in the game do not seem to get the desired results. And the readme that is available doesn't offer the proper syntax for a JSON to override this.

EDIT: Never mind, found it. I was selecting 'readme.md" from this github page, and not using the one that is in the module pack after I installed it.

lupestro commented 1 year ago

Also, v10 was published from the v10 branch, not the main branch, which still has the old v9 code from before the rework, so the README.md that contains the instructions is on that branch.

lupestro commented 1 year ago

@Jensenator360 When you say "it changes the light intensity", is this a situation where you change a property on the token light settings other than the radii?

When we were only messing with the radii, we could leave the rest of it alone, but now that a light source definition can affect just about any light property, the approach you are used to will no longer work. Those other settings would get blown away by more advanced light source definitions in the presets.

To make it possible to control things through settings alone, I am thinking of adjusting the behavior for the light source named in settings to combine the specified radii with the light properties from the actor's prototype token, so you'd apply your other settings to the prototype token, rather than the token on the scene. The prototype token properties are already what it returns to when you turn your light source off, so the result would be comparable to what you had before.

This should bring you back to somewhere near where you were. Does this sound workable?

lupestro commented 1 year ago

@Jensenator360 In the next update, I am adjusting the handling of the bright/dim config settings to set all of the other light properties from the prototype token of the actor. This lets you set them up in advance in much the way you did before, only using the prototype token.

lupestro commented 1 year ago

I have made the indicated improvement in Torch v2.1.3. @Jensenator360 Let me know if it doesn't address the problem you saw.

lupestro commented 1 year ago

@Jensenator360 Having heard nothing for a couple of months now, I am going to behave as if everything is settled and close this ticket. In any case, with the updated software, the situation will have at least changed and responding to new circumstances will need a fresh ticket. Feel free to open it if the solution wasn't satisfactory.