League-of-Foundry-Developers / torch

Simple torch module for Foundry VTT
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Always requires torch in inventory #39

Open folken88 opened 1 year ago

folken88 commented 1 year ago

Not sure if it's a bug or feature request but, I'd like to not worry about whether the party has a torch or not. This is pathfinder 1, current version of foundry (v10 build 291, pf1 .82.2)

I've tried toggling "gm consumes inventory" and "player consumes inventory" but this does not change anything. I have taken to giving every player a weightless stack of 50 torches to get around this. Would rather not have to do that!

I had switched to torchlight to avoid this problem but it's no longer being updated. Torch is THE mod for this feature right now!


lupestro commented 1 year ago

Now that we support several sources of light, not just torches, but candles and various kinds of lanterns, having something in the inventory is necessary so we know what the user has and therefore what kind of light properties are involved. If you have several types in your equipment, right click on the icon in the HUD to select which to use.

If you toggle off the relevant "consumes" checkboxes, then the player only need to drop a single light source into the their equipment and the quantity of a consumable light source won't go down every time you extinguish one. For finer control, you can use a custom JSON in which torches specifically are not considered consumable and your count of torches won't go down, but your count of, say, candles still will when one is extinguished.

The only way we could completely ignore equipment would be to offer every configured light source for the setting on the button's right click menu for every player. We could consider a single "Ignore Equipment" checkbox as a future configuration option to do this if there's a groundswell of interest in it.

Downside of "Ignore Equipment": Right now, as long as a character has some one kind of light source in their equipment - the likeliest situation - when they click the button that one source toggles on and off as they'd expect it to. With "Ignore Equipment", they'd have to choose which light source to light up, which means they'd need to know to right click to do it.

I tend to resist answering problems by adding more UI because that's you you end up with (admittedly very useful) complexity monsters like QOL AND CUB. This has come up before, though, so perhaps a single additional option to take user equipment out of the picture entirely for a game isn't excessive.

The mantra for software should almost always be "I don't want a freakin' PhD in this thing - I don't want to have to read about it - I just want to plunk it down and use it." I welcome thoughts on things that would make it better. Here's a couple of ideas I had for particular pain points. They might be heavy-handed, but they would perhaps alleviate the pain of thrashing in the dark:

Opzehn commented 1 year ago

Now that we support several sources of light, not just torches, but candles and various kinds of lanterns, having something in the inventory is necessary so we know what the user has and therefore what kind of light properties are involved. If you have several types in your equipment, right click on the icon in the HUD to select which to use.

If you toggle off the relevant "consumes" checkboxes, then the player only need to drop a single light source into the their equipment and the quantity of a consumable light source won't go down every time you extinguish one. For finer control, you can use a custom JSON in which torches specifically are not considered consumable and your count of torches won't go down, but your count of, say, candles still will when one is extinguished.

The only way we could completely ignore equipment would be to offer every configured light source for the setting on the button's right click menu for every player. We could consider a single "Ignore Equipment" checkbox as a future configuration option to do this if there's a groundswell of interest in it.

Downside of "Ignore Equipment": Right now, as long as a character has some one kind of light source in their equipment - the likeliest situation - when they click the button that one source toggles on and off as they'd expect it to. With "Ignore Equipment", they'd have to choose which light source to light up, which means they'd need to know to right click to do it.

I tend to resist answering problems by adding more UI because that's you you end up with (admittedly very useful) complexity monsters like QOL AND CUB. This has come up before, though, so perhaps a single additional option to take user equipment out of the picture entirely for a game isn't excessive.

The mantra for software should almost always be "I don't want a freakin' PhD in this thing - I don't want to have to read about it - I just want to plunk it down and use it." I welcome thoughts on things that would make it better. Here's a couple of ideas I had for particular pain points. They might be heavy-handed, but they would perhaps alleviate the pain of thrashing in the dark:

  • When a game has a Torch module installed but the player has no torches, rather than showing no button, would it be better to show a question-mark button that brings up a screen of advice about what to do next, like adding a torch to their inventory?
  • When the user has hit quantity zero and has a slash through the torch button, would it be better for left-click to provide information about bumping up the quantity or turning off consumption rather than not being left-clickable?

I like the two ideas you propose. Both help bring clarity to a user about what is going on. I thought the module wasn't working properly when the icon stopped showing up, and had to refer to this github page before I finally realised what was going on.

Some "Ignore Equipment for NPC" button would be nice as well, because adding torches to every single NPC sheet is a real nuisance, and the most used light source for NPCs are just torches so maybe have it default to that.

si-lang commented 1 year ago

The only way we could completely ignore equipment would be to offer every configured light source for the setting on the button's right click menu for every player. We could consider a single "Ignore Equipment" checkbox as a future configuration option to do this if there's a groundswell of interest in it.

+1 for this idea

folken88 commented 1 year ago

For us it's either Torch or the 0-level (cantrip) spell "Light" about 99% of the time. Any 30' radius light will do. Default-to-torch when "don't use inventory" mode is active would be lovely. Until then, I have a cost-less, weightless torch I add to every single PC & NPC to get the mod to work.

lupestro commented 11 months ago

The two help popups will be coming your way soon. The "ignore equipment" checkbox? Not this weekend, but I think it's risen to the top of the list of valuable improvements. I'll keep this issue open until we ship it.

lupestro commented 11 months ago

Help popups are in 2.8.0. Ignore equipment option and plumbing still pending.