League-of-Foundry-Developers / torch

Simple torch module for Foundry VTT
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Does not support 'Torches' in official Old-School Essentials Advanced Fantasy module, out of the box #53

Open Feldherren opened 1 year ago

Feldherren commented 1 year ago

I suspect it's because instead of the item being 'Torch', OSE's new Advanced Fantasy paid module calls them 'Torches' and gives you a stack of six. Renaming the item to 'Torch' makes it function.

lupestro commented 11 months ago

Thanks for the heads up. Perhaps you can help me here. I'll attribute any help you offer.

Since I don't own a license to the modules, can you give me the precise text of the item names for the torch and lantern, so that I can make Torch work for these out of the box? Is it just "Torches" or is it something like "Torch, each", as DCC does.

Are there any other light sources that should be included? Can you supply the precise text of their names and their radii, angles, etc.? (Even better yet, drop the light source json for them as a reply to this issue.)

Feldherren commented 11 months ago

The exact text of the names in the OSE Foundry module are: Lantern Torches (6)

There's also a weapon called 'Torch', but I think that's being picked up properly.

I've checked for other items that output light. These three following ones (the swords, anyway) would probably be reasonable to include:

Sword +1, Flaming: casts light in 30ft radius Sword+1, Light: casts light in 30ft radius Gem of Brightness: 'beam of pale light, 10ft long and 2ft wide' (this one may be a pain to do)

There are a few more but I'm not sure you'd want to implement them; they're magic items with charges and I don't know how your module handles picking between different light sources. For the sake of completeness, however:

Candle of Invocation: no radii given, unfortunately; other DnD retroclone systems give generic candles as 5ft, though. I assume 360 degrees Rod of Lordly Might: can act as a Flaming Sword +1, casting light in a 30ft radius Wand of Radiance: for the one we'd want to enable and disable, 15ft radius

All of these (bar Gem of Brightness) are likely 360 degrees.

lupestro commented 11 months ago

So I've got the change from Torch to Torches in for the release I hope to drop today. Other items:

Would you like to work appropriate common light settings for the swords and the Gem?

Feldherren commented 11 months ago

What amount to appropriate light stats, in this case? I assume they're 360 degrees and 30ft radius; what do you need that is missing, in these cases?

lupestro commented 11 months ago

Set up the stats that provide a reasonable representation of the kind of light it should be emitting. For instance a flaming sword will probably emit a yellower light than a light sword, which is likely to be whiter. What does "pale" mean for Gem of Radiance? I'm offering you the opportunity to "tell the story" experimentally on a character with the light settings and then funnel them back to me so others can share in them.

The name change just shipped in 2.8.0 this afternoon.

Feldherren commented 11 months ago

Sure. I'll be able to work on this in a few days.