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[Suggestion] Drop notification sound. #31

Open TimCZE opened 1 year ago

TimCZE commented 1 year ago

It would be cool if you could add sound when you get drop. In the config you could add

sound: true / false soundfile: "filename"

so the user can turn it on or off, or customize the sound.

chavan0 commented 1 year ago

Since the webhook gets the notification on discord it's easier for me to know on my phone when I'm away. Since it's a phone it's get the usual notification sound for any application. Now I think it would be much easier to just add some sound to the webhook bot if you are using windows .exe method. However, if you are using other methods then yes it's a nice QOL feature. Nevertheless, controlling the volume of the notification should also be added then. Anyhow, just a quick solution to you if you are on .exe method.

Dekamir commented 1 year ago

I think it'll be easier to call a system sound event instead of actually playing something. For customisation, the user may select a sound event for their OS (e.g. New Mail, in Windows). By default, use the default Ding for compatibility purposes.