LeagueSandbox / ENetSharpLeague

League Compatible Version of ENet
12 stars 15 forks source link

Deploy x64 dlls #8

Open danil179 opened 4 years ago

danil179 commented 4 years ago

Add these lines:

    <file src="Release/ENetCS.dll" target="lib/net461/x86/ENetCS.dll" />
    <file src="Release/libenet.dll" target="lib/native/x86/libenet.dll" />
    <file src="Release/libenet.dylib" target="lib/native/x86/libenet.dylib" />
    <file src="Release/libenet.so" target="lib/native/x86/libenet.so" />
    <file src="Release/ENetCS.dll" target="lib/net461/x64/ENetCS.dll" />
    <file src="Release/libenet.dll" target="lib/native/x64/libenet.dll" />
    <file src="Release/libenet.dylib" target="lib/native/x64/libenet.dylib" />
    <file src="Release/libenet.so" target="lib/native/x64/libenet.so" />

https://github.com/LeagueSandbox/ENetSharpLeague/blob/indev/Package.nuspec Also, we will need to update the build script in GameServer by adding $(Platform)

arnaudmaichac commented 4 years ago

Hi, I will also help you by creating a NuGet package that will target the different platforms

danil179 commented 4 years ago

Thank you! I'm now trying to build this for x64 but there are some problems. It will probably take time to update enet to x64.