Off: Using default player attack speed.
On: Limits player attack speed.
Limit Attack Speed: You can choose your max attack speed with this option. e.g.: for kog'maw's W
e.g.: if your settings = 2250 and you have 3.5k attack speed, you will make kite with 2250 attack speed, not 3.5k attack speed
If I'm moving / kite mode: Just limits your attack speed when you are moving or making kite. when you keep your position, will use player real attack speed.
Everytime: Limits everytime
it limits the attack speed. http://puu.sh/ltfEf/70df2d22a8.jpg
Enabled: Off: Using default player attack speed. On: Limits player attack speed.
Limit Attack Speed: You can choose your max attack speed with this option. e.g.: for kog'maw's W e.g.: if your settings = 2250 and you have 3.5k attack speed, you will make kite with 2250 attack speed, not 3.5k attack speed
Limit: If I'm moving / kite mode: Just limits your attack speed when you are moving or making kite. when you keep your position, will use player real attack speed. Everytime: Limits everytime
Load Recommended Settings: Loading recommended settings.