LeagueSharp / LeagueSharp.Common

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ItemDatabase Half Updated and Damage.cs Updated 6.22 Added Camille and will Update to 6.24 dmg values soon #514

Closed LordZEDith closed 7 years ago

LordZEDith commented 7 years ago

Akali E Akali R Annie R AurelionSol ADDED Braum Q Camille Added Corki R Cho Q Adjust Ekko Q Ekko R Fizz W Fizz R - added new R growth and stuff Added Stages 1 and 2 Gangplank Ult Gnar E Hec Q Ireila R Jayce R added Jhin W Jhin R Jinx R FIXED FINALLY!!!! Kata Q Deleted Kata Q Mark Kha Q's Updated Kog W Updated for New Kog Kog R Leblanc Q Leblanc Q Explosion Deleted Leblanc W Lucian Q Master Yi E Renketon R Rengar Q's Rengar E Rengar E Empowered Added Shaco Q SInged Q Singed Q 2 Deleted Swain Q Talon Basically Everything Taliyah Added Champ Veigar Whole Stuff SHit ( Someone Fix R please) IDK How Many Champs I updated now Velkoz R Vlad W Added Both Instances of Vlad W Fixed Zyra ZED All Values