Leanny / splat3

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Extensionless File #2

Closed Glazelf closed 6 months ago

Glazelf commented 6 months ago

In 1bef4e3979c32c9a188cfdff444ff660911cfd71 you added a latest parameter, which is cool. But often it can be hard to read programmatically without an extension. Stuff like node fs refuses to read extensionless files.

Could you consider making it a .json, .txt or something? I think .json makes the most sense.

Leanny commented 6 months ago

Hello! This is a symbolic link, so when you use the api you can for example now access the files via latest instead of via 610. Check your git config for core.symlinks in order to configure it correctly

Glazelf commented 6 months ago

Ah that makes more sense. I'm having some trouble getting that to work properly with node fs but it might also be because of how importing submodules works or something. It works fine on my Windows machine but on my Ubuntu enviroment it treats latest as a directory. I'll look into it later, thanks for the pointer.