Leanplum / Leanplum-iOS-SDK

Leanplum's integrated solution delivers meaningful engagement across messaging and the in-app experience.
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Upgrade to minimum iOS version 10.0 #568

Open via-guy opened 10 months ago

via-guy commented 10 months ago
What Where/Who
People Involved @via-guy

Notes on PR descriptions


Sorry, I can't open tickets or anything, I just needed to create this change for our project and was hoping we could update directly at the source.

I had a compilation issue but it was with an older version of Leanplum-iOS-SDK and it looked like a good idea to upgrade the project to min SDK iOS 10. Seems that wasn't really necessary, but if you'd like to do it then here's how. 🤷


Testing steps


Is this change backwards-compatible?

No, hence incrementing the major version in sdk-version.txt.

via-guy commented 8 months ago

@nzagorchev how can I push this forward? I think it will clean up the code base significantly.

via-guy commented 8 months ago

FYI: https://github.com/via-guy/mparticle-apple-integration-leanplum/actions/runs/6264835345/job/17012380706

nzagorchev commented 7 months ago

Thank you @via-guy for this contribution. Is this blocking your integration? Are you integrating with mparticle and what is the impact?

via-guy commented 6 months ago

@nzagorchev no, it's not blocking me anymore. I thought that it was, originally, but I managed to resolve the issue. Still, seems a bit unnecessary to continue backwards-supporting so far.

The original issue itself was in NotificationsProxy.swift with

@objc @available(iOS 10.0, *)
public lazy var pushNotificationPresentationOption:UNNotificationPresentationOptions = []

Some compiler didn't like the combination of @available with lazy var. Upgrading the minimum target seemed like the easiest solution.

via-guy commented 6 months ago

@nzagorchev the only thing we're blocked with is upgrading to a newer version of Leanplum. Using the mParticle integration we're stuck on 4.1. We need this fix implemented and released so that https://github.com/mparticle-integrations/mparticle-apple-integration-leanplum/pull/20 can be merged.

via-guy commented 5 months ago

@nzagorchev seems it's not blocking us anymore. I think it'll still be nice to upgrade anyway, just to clean the code. Supporting iOS 9 is pretty excessive at this point.

via-guy commented 2 months ago

@nzagorchev any update?