Leantime / leantime

Leantime is a goals focused project management system for non-project managers. Building with ADHD, Autism, and dyslexia in mind.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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[FEATURE] hardware dial, think logseq, ai notes #2552

Open incnet opened 2 weeks ago

incnet commented 2 weeks ago

Love your project, so much im obsessed, that i made a wishlist and offer list.

Offer list:

Im offering to redo your youtube video audios and fix all background noise, with a few ai tools and video editing here and there. Volunteering

Wish list:

  1. The timer and The notes plugin;

ive been using logseq and i find their diary approach interesting, its easy to write notes on different topics all in one note, this could be a feature in disguise, task time shifting, the notes you are writing may determine what you are working on all in one note.

  1. Then there is this;

the m5dial

https://youtu.be/s1tkN8scaQY?si=CDo8KFNUMby4N7QF .

With your Ai status report feature, the m5dial could be a good hardware that connects reporting with custom ai answer options and completion rate boosting accuracy and efficiency as well. You do this it might be a plus sales wise as well by making a deal with the manufacturers and possibly selling custom leantime branded m5dials with leantime api, providing a seamless user experience from the manager down to the task doer, plus the status reports will be better. Imagine a company with 50 employees each with a dial on their desk. I know so many companies who will see this as a must possibly boosting marketshare by force.

  1. Ideabuddy


gloriafolaron commented 2 weeks ago

Hey! Thanks so much for the offer here! We are in the process of re-doing our video content as our system went through its redesign. I'd definitely take you up on it as I'm self-teaching everything youtube/video creation these days.

On the note feature: it sounds like this is like a rolling note? Is there any clear start / stop differentiation in that or infinity scroll? Does it feel more like our Docs feature?

That m5dial is really interesting and looks like a cool feature -- especially love the rfid and card login flexibility. We don't have the resources for this right now on our end but would definitely take any support or connections you might have there for future opportunities.

incnet commented 1 week ago

Thank you for responding. Ive been excited about leantime since the moment i discovered it, its a wonderful project, it stands out in a very good and unique way. It will be an honor to work with you on making sure good quality tutorials that cover most of the feautures are made. Currently i have a production team in Tanzania, we do video production and animation as well among other things, we can help, I will email you for further communications. For the rest, in good time.