raise ValueError("Unable to find spacy model '{}'. Is your language supported? "
"Check the list of models available here: "
"https://github.com/explosion/spacy-models ".format(self.model))
We'd like to ask for the feature that allows using a self-trained spacy ner model. For example, removing this check or relaxing it? Thanks!
if not self.check_spacy_model(self.model):
raise ValueError("Unable to find spacy model '{}'. Is your language supported? "
"Check the list of models available here: "
"https://github.com/explosion/spacy-models ".format(self.model))
Hi team,
Recently we have been trying to use a self-trained spacy ner model in
. However, the condition checks in the line https://github.com/LeapBeyond/scrubadub_spacy/blob/main/scrubadub_spacy/detectors/spacy.py#L111 will raise an error.We'd like to ask for the feature that allows using a self-trained spacy ner model. For example, removing this check or relaxing it? Thanks!