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Understanding SEO #2

Closed arpit-dwivedi closed 4 years ago

arpit-dwivedi commented 4 years ago

Explain what do you understand by SEO and why is it important, and how it's generally implemented in points.

Use links for reference if needed.

akshayadme commented 4 years ago
  1. Title tag:- We have to use relevant keywords in our title tag that make more chances to tell search engines how they should rank our website.

  2. Meta tag:- We must add some impactful description on meta tag that must not be more long it should be short and can describe the purpose of our web site in short.

  3. Images:- If we are using images in our website then we should give it a appropriate alternate text this helps search engines find good images for their image search based on the keywords specified in it.

A Simple Guide to SEO HTML tags for SEO