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[mv] hard-coded localhost #403

Closed gulyx closed 8 years ago

gulyx commented 8 years ago

@damianofalcioni apparently the MV has strange behaviour when deployed on a machine different from the CW. Specifically the CW cannot connect to MV, as if the MV is not deployed yet. A justification we had is that possibly this due to some hard-coded "localhost" still located somewhere. Could you please check?

FYI : @woshilapin

damianofalcioni commented 8 years ago

@gulyx @woshilapin I've updated the pull with also this fix.

woshilapin commented 8 years ago

I just saw your modification but that doesn't make it not-hardcoded. I guess the best would be to have it configurable in an external file, like you can see in Content Analysis component or Collaborative Workspace component.

damianofalcioni commented 8 years ago

@woshilapin in this case is not needed. I only changed the address where the server is listening on. with the previous the server accept connection only from localhost. Now using it can accept connections from any remote host. I guess this one should be the expected common behavior of the server

gulyx commented 8 years ago

ok @damianofalcioni, but i assume you tested it on a distributed environment, right? (i did knew about, neither)

damianofalcioni commented 8 years ago

yes of course, already tested

gulyx commented 8 years ago

ok so i can close this issue.

@damianofalcioni @woshilapin