LearnProgramming / percival

An IRC bot designed to help the LPMCers track quotes, log channels, and all sorts of things
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Futuremessage Plugin #12

Open jfredett opened 12 years ago

jfredett commented 12 years ago

In order to deliver messages to LPMC members who are not present, I want to be able to tell percival to send a message to someone in the future as follows:

!tell <username> <message>

Percival should then tell the user, upon rejoining the channel, that there are messages waiting for him, and they may be retrieved by doing:


At which point Percy will private-message all of my messages to me.

colwem commented 12 years ago

Should !tell queue up the message regardless of whether <username> is present or should it ignore the request if <username> is here.

After !messages should all messages to that user be cleared? so that the next call replies you have no new messages

jfredett commented 12 years ago

It should spit out an error if the username isn't there, so we might need to have some extra syntax to prevent it from interpreting the message as a username. Maybe !tell <username> "some message"

let's also add a !clear command which will clear old messages.

LockeWatts commented 12 years ago

Would anyone object to me adding this feature to LPMCBot?

jfredett commented 12 years ago

@LockeWatts Well, normally I'd be all for it, except I believe the intention is to run both of these bots in the LPMC channel. Implementing this feature in particular would be a bit redundant in that case.

That said, the decision is really @SlimTim10's. I would say, however, that we should discuss on IRC the overall direction of both of the IRC bots -- as an initial point of discussion. I think that LPMCbot can, perhaps, be for the more "Fun" stuff -- eg, Games, Fortunes, Insults, etc; and Percy for the more "useful" stuff -- eg Remembering Messages, Tracking github PRs, Tracking RSS feeds (from the LPMC site, eventually), etc.

That might mean moving my "Quoteboard" plugin over to LPMCBot, since that's probably under the "Fun" banner. But that might also fall under the "Archivist" role of Percy. So that's something to discuss.

LockeWatts commented 12 years ago

I think that's a conversation worth having, to decide where each one should go.