LearnTeachCode / leadership

For the Learn Teach Code leadership team to organize ideas and next steps for improving and growing our community
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Documentation: Standard answers for the common questions we get via Meetup or email #12

Open LearningNerd opened 7 years ago

LearningNerd commented 7 years ago

For example: we get a TON of messages through meetup and email from beginners who are new to our group, asking us for general advice on how to learn programming.

So it would be nice to have some standard canned email responses shared for other team leaders to reuse.

And of course this is also linked with content on the website -- a resources page, maybe a collection of stories on how we all got started with programming (great idea, Lena!), etc

rouzbeh84 commented 7 years ago

Interesting you post this. I've been listening to a great (and short) podcast on how a Developer Career Roadmap from Developer Tea and its only on step 3 right now. Maybe add the link to it or I've been taking notes so just have the outline as a response?

machikoyasuda commented 7 years ago

On that last point maybe a collection of stories on how we all got started with programming (great idea, Lena!), etc, we're working on a open-source tool for this exact thing with Fullstack.

The first-round minimum viable product is here: https://github.com/fullstackla/pairing-meetup/tree/master/community

We will add a 1. front-end version of this that is updated by the markdown files, 2. Add longer blurbs about how we got started and 3. add links to related interviews like the work GirlDevelopItLA has done already: http://gdila.org/category/a-day-in-the-life/

Once we get 1 and 2 rolled out, we'd loooove <3 <3 <3 ❤️ to get everyone in Learn to Code LA meetups to add themselves to this community directory too :)

cc/ @gr2m