LearnTeachCode / leadership

For the Learn Teach Code leadership team to organize ideas and next steps for improving and growing our community
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Leadership meeting #2 recap and next action items [draft] #24

Closed LearningNerd closed 7 years ago

LearningNerd commented 7 years ago

In a couple days I'll finalize this draft and email it to everyone on our leadership team along with a link to the private video recording. Feel free to add suggestions, critiques, etc!

Recap: Learn to Code LA Leadership Meeting #2 October 27th, 2016


Discussion points:

Next steps:

armaneous commented 7 years ago

Are we going to do a leadership meeting on some sort of regular schedule? I think that'd be awesome, though it might have to wait until after the holidays.

We did have a pretty large turnout last time, so maybe it's impractical to include all of the leadership, team. Unsure of how to tackle that part, though.

TheBeege commented 7 years ago

We could setup committees. We could have a general meet - I imagine Liz giving a general "state of the meetup" and an indication of next priorities. Following that, we could break off into smaller topic groups - name change, non-profit, mentoring, courses, sponsorship, etc etc

LearningNerd commented 7 years ago

@x2adrew @TheBeege I like the idea of doing sprints for completing specific tasks, with a working group/committee for each, and then those smaller groups would decide for themselves how often their regular meetings should be.

As for larger leadership meetings, I'm leaning towards just sending out a blurb with updates for everyone ("state of the meetup" sounds fun, haha) and not doing a huge meeting again, unless it's primarily just for socializing. But after the holidays I do want to at least plan a meeting for the study group leaders, which is just a few of us. And anyone else is welcome to suggest a call to a meeting if there's a need for one.

armaneous commented 7 years ago

I like the committee thing, as bureaucratic as it is, just because it gives everyone the mobility to be as involved as they like without holding the overall leadership responsible for attending things.