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For the Learn Teach Code leadership team to organize ideas and next steps for improving and growing our community
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Complete the Learn Teach Code name change #26

Open LearningNerd opened 7 years ago

LearningNerd commented 7 years ago

Remaining to-dos for this:

After some discussion (see #19) and a vote, we're all set to change our organization's name to Learn Teach Code!

In this issue I'll list the tasks for making the name change as I think of them, so feel free to add your thoughts here on how to make the transition go as smoothly as possible. Thanks!

Tasks for name change, for LA group and general stuff:

TheBeege commented 7 years ago

We have a site, but no one is yet using it. The Seoul site should be easy to port. I imagine we can setup a post-commit hook to auto-update things as needed.

Can we add a unified Github org to this, too? Or do you think they would be better separate?

If we do the Gitter thing, I have suggestions, based on my last company's move to Slack. They identified people likely to be early adopters and got them in on it as kind of a closed beta. They helped flesh out the channels, figure out a channel taxonomy, setup custom emotes, and all that sort of stuff. Once the dust settled from all the customizations they'd done, they started communicating out a date to move everyone to Slack and allowed teams to move over early. I think that strategy would be helpful here, too.

So are we not communicating out the name change yet?

LearningNerd commented 7 years ago

@TheBeege On the site -- cool :)

Not announcing the name change just yet, I want to make sure I have a roadmap for the change first so I can make sure the announcement is clear! I plan to announce it this week though, as a heads up for everyone, and maybe we do that actual name change in January? What do you think?

On GitHub - Yup we could definitely make a unified GitHub now, I'm all for that -- I think! I haven't really considered the challenges of combining them yet. I'd like to chat with you more on that via private message or a call sometime soon! Feel free to post thoughts on that here in the meantime though.

On Gitter -- I made a new issue for it, #27 Try Gitter...

TheBeege commented 7 years ago


Name change - Sounds good to me. I've been hinting at it among the Seoul group, but I've been mostly committal about it.

Github - I believe we'd just need to create the new org and migrate all the repos. IIRC, GitHub maintains redirects for transferred repos and provides a message when you push to a deprecated repo. It should make things relatively painless.

Gitter - Cool

I'm in Florida until the 29th, so I'm more easily available

TheBeege commented 7 years ago

Seoul links:

ghost commented 7 years ago

I'll get on building a new LinkedIn page.

@LearningNerd Hook me up with an email address you'd like to link to the new (or old) LinkedIn account.

LearningNerd commented 7 years ago

I'll be taking care of this very soon. BTW @easyspirit who are you? lol I don't see a name on your profile and I'm terrible at names and especially names + various usernames. 😆

ghost commented 7 years ago

var easyspirit = Ray;

LearningNerd commented 7 years ago

@easyspirit oh hai! :D hahaha. I'm gonna do the linkedin thing now, since I already have the old org page there. Thanks though!! I wanna link it to the domain email which for now only I have access to. Gotta figure out the whole email thing eventually... any experience there or research is appreciated. (that of course will belong in a separate issue, don't wanna hijack this thread too much)

ykcab commented 3 years ago

@LearningNerd what else do we need support for on completing the brand legalization?