LearnTeachCode / leadership

For the Learn Teach Code leadership team to organize ideas and next steps for improving and growing our community
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Draft theory of change #6

Open LearningNerd opened 7 years ago

LearningNerd commented 7 years ago

See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theory_of_change

armaneous commented 7 years ago

Huh, that's a neat read! Definitely worth some more discussion around it. This seems like it could easily become a large project.

TheBeege commented 7 years ago

@LearningNerd - So... Who's gonna own this? I imagine the easiest way would be to have one person define key points / initial draft, request feedback, iterate, etc etc.

rouzbeh84 commented 7 years ago

Do we have long term goals in place yet or are we still deciding? I'm pretty OCD and do enjoy planning things as I do it for work and family haha.

LearningNerd commented 7 years ago

I'll own this one, it just might be a little while before I do it. :) But yes, I'll start on a draft and share the results of any research with you all for feedback, then iterate from there @TheBeege. And @rouzbeh84 -- so far all our ideas are pretty much summed up in these GitHub issues as far as goals go! First priority is changing our name, and then we can hit the ground running on some of the other stuff after the holidays :)