Leather128 / LeatherEngine

Just a little engine I decided to make since nobody seemed to have true custom mod support.
GNU General Public License v3.0
68 stars 58 forks source link

Bug Report: #209

Closed bobmario123 closed 2 years ago

bobmario123 commented 2 years ago

When I go into charting mode the arrows in the graph will turn into black boxes, along side this when you exit chating mode GF's sprite will turn into a black box and sometimes the game crashes I use the 32X version.

JadenMudge commented 2 years ago

same happens to me, on the 64X version. just save the chart and re-open the game. idk what you do with the GF Sprite thing.

Leather128 commented 2 years ago

for the gf sprite thing, prob wanna turn on 'Optimized Characters' in Options > Graphics > Optimizations (because that problem is probably caused by low memory) the arrows thing can be fixed by just reloading the ui skin idk why game would crash tho