Leather128 / LeatherEngine

Just a little engine I decided to make since nobody seemed to have true custom mod support.
GNU General Public License v3.0
68 stars 58 forks source link

Bug Report: #210

Closed TheAngelHosko closed 2 years ago

TheAngelHosko commented 2 years ago

Help, when i compile the leather engine this appears: source/modding/CharacterCreationState.hx:282: characters 42-53 : flixel.animation.FlxAnimationController has no field getNameList

Leather128 commented 2 years ago

update your flixel with haxelib update flixel in cmd/terminal

TheAngelHosko commented 2 years ago

Now this appears : Failed - try fixing the error(s) and restarting the language server:

source/states/PlayState.hx:3: characters 8-25 : You cannot access the cpp package while targeting js (for cpp.NativeProcess) source/utilities/CoolUtil.hx:4: characters 8-24 : ... referenced here source/substates/OutdatedSubState.hx:4: characters 8-26 : ... referenced here source/states/TitleState.hx:9: characters 8-34 : ... referenced here source/Main.hx:7: characters 8-25 : ... referenced here

Leather128 commented 2 years ago

uh what platform are you trying to build on?

TheAngelHosko commented 2 years ago

Visual studio code

Leather128 commented 2 years ago

no i mean like 'windows' or 'html5' not the code editor you're using

TheAngelHosko commented 2 years ago
