Leather128 / LeatherEngine

Just a little engine I decided to make since nobody seemed to have true custom mod support.
GNU General Public License v3.0
68 stars 59 forks source link

Question: Death Animations #271

Closed sanamasako closed 1 year ago

sanamasako commented 1 year ago

Do you remember in the RonSpurk mod they had the GameToons BF? That BF has a custom death animation. I created my own version of BF (sanabf) and even a scared version (sanabfscared), then made death animations for both (sanabf-dead and sanabfscared-dead). However, after doing everything I could to try and make it work, I can't. Also, when I try to add the character into a chart, it reverts to the original Boyfriend when refreshing JSON, or exiting the song. Yes, I also made icons for both of them, I even went out of my way to make custom game over music and a death sound. Anyway, when I die as sanabfscared (I haven't tested sanabf yet) I get the original Boyfriend death sprites, and original death music + sfx. Am I doing anything wrong or is the engine really not picking up my custom BF? Labeling as question because I don't want to put the bug tag only to find out "oh you missed out on this". At first I thought there was case sensitivity (since every other thing I've seen in images and xmls is in lowercase) so I changed SanaBF, SanaBFScared and etc to lowercase as mentioned earlier, but that didn't do anything. So I have a feeling I'm doing something wrong, and I have no idea what.

sanamasako commented 1 year ago

I just realized adding -dead doesn't make it a death animation automatically. How tf do I append it to the character I'm trying to make a death animation for???

sanamasako commented 1 year ago

"deathCharacterName" in the main character's jsons. I'm an idiot. Question answered, sorry for my idiocy.