Leather128 / LeatherEngine

Just a little engine I decided to make since nobody seemed to have true custom mod support.
GNU General Public License v3.0
68 stars 59 forks source link

Enhancement(s): Charter improvements + arrows colored by timing #42

Closed daisukidaisy closed 2 years ago

daisukidaisy commented 2 years ago

Charter improvements

Basically, allowing arrows to snap to units other than 16ths, so you don't need to hold Shift and guess.

Arrows colored by timing

Instead of simply having one color per direction, arrows are colored based on their place on the chart. Colors from StepMania are as follows:

Leather128 commented 2 years ago

Seems like a good idea for the revamped charter that's coming in the future (that will have time signatures as well), and I may make the colored arrows an option (I know Kade Engine Has It) I'm just not sure how I would implement it yet, but if I could get it working it would be a nice thing to have.

FloweyProgramer commented 2 years ago

Seems like a good idea for the revamped charter that's coming in the future (that will have time signatures as well), and I may make the colored arrows an option (I know Kade Engine Has It) I'm just not sure how I would implement it yet, but if I could get it working it would be a nice thing to have.

if anything i want the beatsnap

Leather128 commented 2 years ago

Commit #c4b53a9 adds the note snapping, no not quanitization colors right now though, because of the 4 different arrow shapes (basically I would need to make 100 different sprites for all the note colors lmao, then times that by 3 for the different animations for all the notes and it might become a bit much)