Leather128 / LeatherEngine

Just a little engine I decided to make since nobody seemed to have true custom mod support.
GNU General Public License v3.0
70 stars 57 forks source link

Enhancement: Separate Enemy Note Splashes and Player Note Splashes? #86

Closed Onemario1234 closed 2 years ago

Onemario1234 commented 2 years ago

This suggestion is a small cosmetic thing. Change the current "Note Splashes" option into two separate options. One for the enemy notes and one for the player notes.

Alternatively, a Note Splash option that toggles between three settings. No Splash, Player Only, and "Player & Enemy"

Leather128 commented 2 years ago

sounds cool

Leather128 commented 2 years ago

Added in commit 56c1f399ace7afa49122b1ed8363d41fd962d266