Leather128 / LeatherEngine

Just a little engine I decided to make since nobody seemed to have true custom mod support.
GNU General Public License v3.0
70 stars 57 forks source link

Question: When i try to build the game the application crashes #94

Closed NeonixGithubMan closed 2 years ago

NeonixGithubMan commented 2 years ago

I tried reinstalling polymod but it does not work! I tried updating polymod does not work either I do not know what I'm doing wrong

Leather128 commented 2 years ago

could you give a list of the haxelib librarys you have installed (and their versions) which can be accessed with haxelib list in the cmd/terminal.

NeonixGithubMan commented 2 years ago

ok list here I I V actuate: [1.8.9] box2d: [1.2.3] discord_rpc: [git] extension-webm: [git] faxe: [git] flixel-addons: [2.11.0] git flixel-demos: [2.8.0] flixel-templates: [2.6.6] flixel-tools: [1.5.1] flixel-ui: [2.4.0] flixel: 4.8.1 [4.10.0] hscript: [2.4.0] hxcpp: [4.2.1] hxvm-luajit: [git] layout: [1.2.1] lime-samples: [7.0.0] lime: 7.8.0 [7.9.0] linc_luajit: [0.0.4] newgrounds: [1.1.5] openfl-samples: [8.7.0] openfl-webm: [0.0.4] openfl: [9.1.0] polymod: [1.3.1] systools: [1.1.0]

Leather128 commented 2 years ago

try running haxelib update since some of your stuff is outdated on LE does use the most recent versions of stuff, so using the older versions may cause problems.

NeonixGithubMan commented 2 years ago


NeonixGithubMan commented 2 years ago

i tried updating it but does not work!

Leather128 commented 2 years ago

and you're running a 64 bit computer right? (if not, you have to take some extra steps to build 32 bit without it crashing)

NeonixGithubMan commented 2 years ago

I'm running a 64 bit computer

Leather128 commented 2 years ago

and other versions of fnf build fine?

NeonixGithubMan commented 2 years ago


NeonixGithubMan commented 2 years ago

they are fine

NeonixGithubMan commented 2 years ago


Leather128 commented 2 years ago

question: you have tried using release builds of the game right?

NeonixGithubMan commented 2 years ago

i havent

NeonixGithubMan commented 2 years ago

I haven't tried releasing builds of the game

Leather128 commented 2 years ago


Leather128 commented 2 years ago

i just realized

Leather128 commented 2 years ago

can you try updating the flixel package from 4.8.1? because LE doesn't fully support flixel versions below 4.9.0