Using"@ledgerhq/hw-transport-webusb"the LNS/LNX in a Chrome based mobile browser (Android) successfully connects. HID is not currently supported in mobile web browsers and I do not believe this is likely to change in the short term.
However, webusb only enables a connection. To interact with the XMR wallet I need an equivalent of
e.g. @ledgerhq/hw-app-xmr
I understand there are requirements specific to Monero that potentially make this more technically challenging than e.g. for Bitcoin. However, the provision of an hw-app-xmr would considerably extend the use cases for Ledger devices in the privacy space.
Any feedback you can give would be much appreciated ...
I'm working on a bounty to build a mobile web based app for the Monero Haveno project..
Version 0.0.18 can be viewed here.
the LNS/LNX in a Chrome based mobile browser (Android) successfully connects. HID is not currently supported in mobile web browsers and I do not believe this is likely to change in the short term.However, webusb only enables a connection. To interact with the XMR wallet I need an equivalent of
I understand there are requirements specific to Monero that potentially make this more technically challenging than e.g. for Bitcoin. However, the provision of an hw-app-xmr would considerably extend the use cases for Ledger devices in the privacy space.
Any feedback you can give would be much appreciated ...