I made the edit of /etc/udev/rules.d/20-hw1.rules
Nothing Happens
i go back to the file and add to the text file:
KERNEL=="hidraw", SUBSYSTEM=="hidraw", MODE="0660", GROUP="plugdev", ATTRS{idVendor}=="2c97"
KERNEL=="hidraw", SUBSYSTEM=="hidraw", MODE="0660", GROUP="plugdev", ATTRS{idVendor}=="2581"
Nothing Happens
I tried the last option and added the 8 lines, also nothing happens.
It seems the issue it has something to do with the USB connection and the software recognition.
Additional notes:
I'm in the plugdev group
When i do: "sudo apt install usbutils" and then "lsusb" it shows me the ledger device, but still can't connect correctly.
It seems that in normal ubuntu install this commands work fine but not in crouton.
I'm completly noob in this
So run this archive with the linux download option: https://support.ledger.com/hc/en-us/articles/360006395553-Download-and-install-Ledger-Live
In my case i have some connection issues: https://support.ledger.com/hc/en-us/articles/115005165269
So i want to try this with "sudo startunity" wich is the OS to i want to run the apps. https://github.com/meriadec/nanos-linux-install-instructions/blob/master/README.md
Following the Steps:
I made the edit of /etc/udev/rules.d/20-hw1.rules Nothing Happens i go back to the file and add to the text file: KERNEL=="hidraw", SUBSYSTEM=="hidraw", MODE="0660", GROUP="plugdev", ATTRS{idVendor}=="2c97" KERNEL=="hidraw", SUBSYSTEM=="hidraw", MODE="0660", GROUP="plugdev", ATTRS{idVendor}=="2581" Nothing Happens
I tried the last option and added the 8 lines, also nothing happens.
It seems the issue it has something to do with the USB connection and the software recognition.
Additional notes:
I'm in the plugdev group When i do: "sudo apt install usbutils" and then "lsusb" it shows me the ledger device, but still can't connect correctly. It seems that in normal ubuntu install this commands work fine but not in crouton. I'm completly noob in this