LedgerHQ / ledgerjs

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signP2SHTransaction TransportStatusError: Ledger device: Internal error, please report (0x6f00) #818

Open AAweidai opened 2 years ago

AAweidai commented 2 years ago

When I use signP2SHTransaction to do more money, and the output contains the segwit v1 address, it will appear TransportStatusError: Ledger device: Internal error, please report (0x6f00).

  const result = await this.appBtc.signP2SHTransaction({
      inputs: toSignInputs,
      associatedKeysets: paths,
      outputScriptHex: outputScript
  }).catch(err => {
      throw new Error(err);

previous transaction:


pending signature transaction:

AAweidai commented 2 years ago

When I change the output address to the segwit v0 address, it can still be signed normally, but the segwit v1 address cannot. How do I transfer money to a segwit v1 address in p2sh? ? ?