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Connection to the Ledger Nano S works locally but not on deployed version #860

Open directcuteo opened 2 years ago

directcuteo commented 2 years ago

Hi! I am trying to connect my Angular web application to my Ledger Nano S device. I managed to do that successfully when I am running the application on localhost using TransportWebHID, but for some reason the same application is not working when it's deployed and it runs on the firebase. What can the issue be here? I also tried a production build running on localhost and again, it worked.

Thank you!

directcuteo commented 2 years ago

What I can see is that it works if I deploy it on an environment that has https. The one where is not working is under http. Is this a known requirement for it to be working? Thank you!

rachaellane14 commented 2 years ago

Ohh sincerely sorry for that. I have encounter such difficulty before..