LedgerHQ / satstack

Bitcoin full node with Ledger Live
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Adding accounts via FN/Satstack results in empty account. #92

Open plk opened 1 year ago

plk commented 1 year ago

I am having trouble adding accounts after connecting a full-node via Satstack. When LL GUI says that SatStack is "Ready" and synced, I delete the bitcoin accounts added via the Ledger Nodes and try to add one Taproot account back again via the Full Node. It finds only one account, not all of them and I have to select the "Other account types" toggle to see Taproot accounts. I select this and Add. An account is added but has no balance. I delete it again, disconnect the Full Node in Experimental Settings, add again and the Ledger nodes find the account with the balance without problems.

I assume that this is something to do with what is in lss.json but I am not clear what this file represents and the docs don't really explain. Is it BTC accounts on the Ledger device? That can't be the case as the default file created from the GUI contains all sorts of schemes I don't use. I have pared it down to just one taproot address that matches the xpub of the account that works via the Ledger nodes but apart from taking less time for SatStack to start up and scan accounts (what is it scanning exactly?), the result is the same - any account added via the Full Node is empty.

Bitcoin Core/LL/Satstack all latest versions at time of posting.

adrienlacombe commented 1 year ago

thank you, I'll try to reproduce.