LedgerHQ / satstack

Bitcoin full node with Ledger Live
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Synchronizing Error API HTTP 404 #96

Open leolage opened 1 year ago

leolage commented 1 year ago

Hello, After 6 days waiting for initian bitoin core full syncronize, and lot of errors on descriptors, I finally can done a lss.exe finished the start sucessfull.

When I open Ledger Live, the system try to synchorizing, but after long minutes trying, I received a error : Synchronizing Error API HTTP 404

I dont see errors on lss.exe screen, what is possible a cause of this error?

I'm using Windows 10 Bitcoin Core 24


leolage commented 1 year ago

More details about it... in lss logs I see this 404 error, but I not found more details about this reason... after the initial sync, I can't update my accounts more.


I try now run lss and Ledger in a Linux System, but receive same error of API 404

adrienlacombe commented 1 year ago

hi @leolage you still see correct balances right?

leolage commented 1 year ago

Yes I see all transactions and balance (before sync only), but not show my last purchase (yesterday, after the initial sync)

In my bitcoin core private, show all transactions, including transaction of yesterday

adrienlacombe commented 1 year ago

what do you mean by "before sync" exactly?

leolage commented 1 year ago

After I configured lss and run first time, all descriptors imported first time sucessfully. After this, all balance was ok and running normaly. Later, the error starting after I generate a new address to receive bitcoin, I sent bitcoin to this address but not updated in my balance/transactions, and receive 404 error when try to sync my Ledger Live.

I suspicious of this -1 block of LedgerLive try to scan

sorry for my english.

adrienlacombe commented 1 year ago

no worries, not my mother tongue either.

hum, can you try to restart your node, just in case?

leolage commented 1 year ago

I already try to restart my node. I tried again import drescriptors again to check, but dont have success: [2023/01/17 - 10:25:32] INFO worker: Importing descriptors duration=30m37s progress=99.75%

[2023/01/17 - 10:25:36] ERROR ImportDescriptors - Failed to import descriptor || -8: new range must include current range = [0,1002] NumofDescriptors=40

[2023/01/17 - 10:25:36] ERROR worker: Failed while importing descriptors error=ImportDescriptors - importdescriptor RPC failed

[2023/01/17 - 10:25:36] INFO Shutdown server: in progress

[2023/01/17 - 10:25:36] INFO AbortRescan: Abort rescan successful: false

[2023/01/17 - 10:25:37] INFO Unloaded wallet successfully wallet=satstack

adrienlacombe commented 1 year ago

thank you, can you try with latest version of satstack please? we released 0.18.0 recently.

leolage commented 1 year ago

thanks for support, I'm already using latest version

I'm using satstack 0.18.0 Bitcoin Core 24 Ledger Live 2.51.0

adrienlacombe commented 1 year ago

ok, what are stastack logs when you start it normally?

leolage commented 1 year ago

logs when satstack start:

user@pc:~/Desktop$ ./lss [2023/01/17 - 11:04:09] INFO Ledger SatStack (lss) v0.18.0 arch=linux amd64 build= commit= runtime=go1.17.13 [2023/01/17 - 11:04:09] INFO Config file detected path=/home/user/.config/Ledger Live/lss.json [2023/01/17 - 11:04:09] INFO Warming up...
[2023/01/17 - 11:04:15] INFO Loaded existing wallet wallet=satstack [2023/01/17 - 11:04:15] INFO RPC connection established blockFilter=true chain=main pruned=false txindex=true

/ When Satoshi announced the first release \ of the software, I grabbed it right away. I think I was the first person besides Satoshi to run bitcoin.

\ -- Hal Finney, 2013 /

    \   ^__^
     \  (₿₿)\_______
        (__)\       )\/\
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            ||     ||

[GIN-debug] [WARNING] Creating an Engine instance with the Logger and Recovery middleware already attached.

[GIN-debug] [WARNING] Running in "debug" mode. Switch to "release" mode in production.

[GIN-debug] GET /timestamp --> github.com/ledgerhq/satstack/httpd/handlers.GetTimestamp.func1 (3 handlers) [GIN-debug] GET /control/descriptors/import --> github.com/ledgerhq/satstack/httpd/handlers.ImportAccounts.func1 (3 handlers) [GIN-debug] POST /control/descriptors/has --> github.com/ledgerhq/satstack/httpd/handlers.HasDescriptor.func1 (3 handlers) [GIN-debug] GET /blockchain/:version/explorer/_health --> github.com/ledgerhq/satstack/httpd/handlers.GetHealth.func1 (3 handlers) [GIN-debug] GET /blockchain/:version/explorer/status --> github.com/ledgerhq/satstack/httpd/handlers.GetStatus.func1 (3 handlers) [GIN-debug] GET /blockchain/:version/btc/network --> github.com/ledgerhq/satstack/httpd/handlers.GetNetwork.func1 (3 handlers) [GIN-debug] GET /blockchain/:version/btc/fees --> github.com/ledgerhq/satstack/httpd/handlers.GetFees.func1 (3 handlers) [GIN-debug] GET /blockchain/:version/btc/blocks/:block --> github.com/ledgerhq/satstack/httpd/handlers.GetBlock.func1 (3 handlers) [GIN-debug] GET /blockchain/:version/btc/transactions/:hash/hex --> github.com/ledgerhq/satstack/httpd/handlers.GetTransactionHex.func1 (3 handlers) [GIN-debug] POST /blockchain/:version/btc/transactions/send --> github.com/ledgerhq/satstack/httpd/handlers.SendTransaction.func1 (3 handlers) [GIN-debug] GET /blockchain/:version/btc/addresses/:addresses/transactions --> github.com/ledgerhq/satstack/httpd/handlers.GetAddresses.func1 (3 handlers) [2023/01/17 - 11:04:15] INFO worker: Initial Block Download complete blockHash=000000000000000000041623bc75a198f2ec962465ad462b21528e0b0df67782 blockHeight=772389 [2023/01/17 - 11:04:15] INFO Rescan Config file detected path=/home/user/.config/Ledger Live/lss_rescan.json [2023/01/17 - 11:04:15] INFO RescanWallet: Rescanning Wallet start_height: 772389, end_height 772389 [2023/01/17 - 11:04:15] INFO RescanWallet: Rescan wallet was successful: start_height: 772389, stop_height: 772389 [2023/01/17 - 11:04:15] INFO RescanConfigFile successfully saved path=/home/user/.config/Ledger Live/lss_rescan.json [2023/01/17 - 11:04:22] INFO worker: Shutdown worker: done

adrienlacombe commented 1 year ago

ok so satstack seems fine, thank you, I will see what I can do

leolage commented 1 year ago

Thanks for help, last information. I have 2 Bitcoin accounts in my Ledger, only the second wallet, of I used yesterday to buy bitcoins have errors:


adrienlacombe commented 1 year ago

oh interesting

pepo2121 commented 1 year ago


today I have the same issue. Any news ?


adrienlacombe commented 1 year ago

hi @pepo2121 did you also add accounts recently?

pepo2121 commented 1 year ago


no, the account was added some month ago and it works fine so far.

Yesterday: Following actions were done without success: -->Retsart my full node -->Update of Ledger Live -->Clearing the cache -->Removing my btc account -->Try to add the account leads to never ending synchronizing (Progress bar within ledger live)

Ok, last but not least I decided to disconnect the full node. -->Clear cache -->restart of ledger live -->Add the account,- I was able to select my previous account -->Add my full node -->Scan/Synch works fine

Today I started Satstack and ledger live: Same issue as before, damn :-(

adrienlacombe commented 1 year ago

@pepo2121 latest Ledger Live is no longer working with satstack, please stay on 2.52.

oullec commented 1 year ago

@adrienlacombe-ledger : 2.52 is compatible.... Thanks for letting us know, I tried to understand for a while... So 2.53 not compatible as well ? Thanks

adrienlacombe commented 1 year ago

correct @oullec

avatar4d commented 1 year ago

This is still not fixed for 2.57.0?

adrienlacombe commented 1 year ago

This is still not fixed for 2.57.0?

no, please stay on 2.52 for now.

NeNo87 commented 1 year ago

Hi, still issues on new ledger live versions as 2.60? Do we have to stay on 2.52?

adrienlacombe commented 1 year ago

Hi, still issues on new ledger live versions as 2.60? Do we have to stay on 2.52?


NeNo87 commented 1 year ago

Hi, still issues on new ledger live versions as 2.60? Do we have to stay on 2.52?


ok thanks. But i'm still facing issues when routing satstack with tor, sometimes even if "lss_rescan.json" is present satstack rescan the complete wallet as the first time. And also rpcauth doesn't work

d-rez commented 1 year ago

Dear Ledger, how come has this not been fixed in 7 months?

satstack v0.19 Live v2.64.2

I finally executed lss on my raspberry pi to let it import descriptors (if you interrupt / pause this process, it will just restart from zero and then crash at some point, requiring the satstack wallet file to be deleted and recreated), and I have no intention of keeping my power-hungry PC running for 24h),

Copied over config files and getting tens of 404 errors and synchronisation failed. At this point I haven't been able to use the full node feature properly for well over a year.

adrienlacombe commented 1 year ago

Dear Ledger, how come has this not been fixed in 7 months?

satstack v0.19 Live v2.64.2

I finally executed lss on my raspberry pi to let it import descriptors (if you interrupt / pause this process, it will just restart from zero and then crash at some point, requiring the satstack wallet file to be deleted and recreated), and I have no intention of keeping my power-hungry PC running for 24h),

Copied over config files and getting tens of 404 errors and synchronisation failed. At this point I haven't been able to use the full node feature properly for well over a year.

Please stay on Ledger Live Desktop 2.52.0, also, satstack runs on the same machine as Ledger Live, not the machine running the node.

d-rez commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your reply.

satstack runs on the same machine as Ledger Live, not the machine running the node.

I am aware, but this is not my scenario either. I run the node on machine A, executed lss descriptor sync on machine B and once it was done copied the sync status file to machine C where Ledger Live lives so that I wouldn't have to keep machine C running for prolonged periods of time.

This satstack logic could use some improvement, it is illogical to expect every user to be forced into keeping their PC on 24/7 until descriptors are imported. Based on my experience so far, any and all interruptions in this process will need the whole a full rescan. Some PCs pull 200-300W just being idle. But I digress.

Please stay on Ledger Live Desktop 2.52.0

Thanks for the suggestion, I'll look into downgrading and decide if this is an option I am willing to pursue.

MartinacPlus commented 1 year ago

Has there been any progress on this since last December?

Because I too get the "Synchronization error" and "API HTTP 404" errors.

I use satstack_0.19.0_Windows-amd64 and Ledger Live 2.66.0. Do they work together?

adrienlacombe commented 1 year ago

Has there been any progress on this since last December?

Because I too get the "Synchronization error" and "API HTTP 404" errors.

I use satstack_0.19.0_Windows-amd64 and Ledger Live 2.66.0. Do they work together?

nope, see https://github.com/LedgerHQ/satstack#requirements, LLD 2.52.0 max

MartinacPlus commented 1 year ago

Okay, I will try some older version then. Thank you.

But I really wish Ledger, instead of various shitcoinery shenanigans and making their "cold-storage" wallets hot, would focus on what is really important - Bitcoin and running one's full-node.

adrienlacombe commented 1 year ago

Okay, I will try some older version then. Thank you.

But I really wish Ledger, instead of various shitcoinery shenanigans and making their "cold-storage" wallets hot, would focus on what is really important - Bitcoin and running one's full-node.


Not me you need to convince ;)

MartinacPlus commented 1 year ago

Okay, I will try some older version then. Thank you. But I really wish Ledger, instead of various shitcoinery shenanigans and making their "cold-storage" wallets hot, would focus on what is really important - Bitcoin and running one's full-node.


Not me you need to convince ;)

My remark was not directed to you personally, but to Ledger as a company ;)

I installed the ledger-live-desktop-2.52.0-win-x64.exe, but had to delete the %APPDATA% Ledger folder (with the folder there, I got error messages). But now the satstack is running the re-scanning from the genesis block... Last time it took 3 days... Can this somehow be skipped?

adrienlacombe commented 1 year ago

Okay, I will try some older version then. Thank you. But I really wish Ledger, instead of various shitcoinery shenanigans and making their "cold-storage" wallets hot, would focus on what is really important - Bitcoin and running one's full-node.

np Not me you need to convince ;)

My remark was not directed to you personally, but to Ledger as a company ;)

I installed the ledger-live-desktop-2.52.0-win-x64.exe, but had to delete the %APPDATA% Ledger folder (with the folder there, I got error messages). But now the satstack is running the re-scanning from the genesis block... Last time it took 3 days... Can this somehow be skipped?

Strange indeed, maybe satstack shutdown abruptly last time, not sure.

ChimpRocket commented 6 months ago


I've just started using Ledger and have hit this '404' issue on day 1. Do I still need to run an outdated version of Ledger-Live to workaround the issue? I'm on the latest 2.77.2 at the moment.

Running up to date v26.0 node, satstack sync completed successfully. Since completing the scan, I get 404 when trying to import my BTC accounts.

Thanks, JS

Edit: Update on this, I removed 2.77.2 and went with 2.52.0 to get satstack working ok. 2.52.0 comes with its own set of niggles and bugs though. I hope there's a better solution coming - such as native support for node connectivity in the Ledger Live app.

ROunofF commented 4 months ago

I gave this problem a shot and found 3 urls that returns 404:

  1. The LLD wants to hit /btc/block/:block Fix was simple, just add the route and use the GetBlock: #134

  2. LLD wants to hit /address/:addresses/txs I was able to reuse the code from GetAddresses, but the output structure was different. Possibly paginated (not supported): #135

  3. LLD wants to his /address/:addresses/txs/pending Assuming this is a "transient" state (after X confirmations, it's probably not pending anymore). I'm not sure it's worth the effort to implement and I don't know what LLD expects... If someone has the output and is willing to implement this go ahead... I made it return an empty response since this was my case for all address I tested... Patch : #136

I feel this is a few steps in the right direction!