LeeBinder / Asus-Vivobook-S510UA-Hackintosh

This repo enables you to run macOS on your VivoBook S15 as long as it matches below System specifications as close as possible, verified with macOS up to Sonoma.
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OC-like injection of ACPI tables using DisabledAML in Clover's config.plist and relocation of ACPI Battery docs #1

Closed whatnameisit closed 3 years ago

whatnameisit commented 3 years ago

There is a section in Clover/ACPI where addition of an ACPI table fails if there is a name match: DisabledAML.

You can add SSDT-RP01_PEGP.aml in the list and give the direction to delete this entry if the user has dGPU and needs to turn it and its fan off. And also delete other entries as they do not have any effect with everything you provide in this repo.

Keep up the good work :)

whatnameisit commented 3 years ago

I decided to move the ACPI Battery docs to the Docs folder in the root of the repo. The docs are currently in a feature branch https://github.com/whatnameisit/Asus-Vivobook-X510UA-BQ490-Hackintosh/tree/docs/Docs and the link to the README will be https://github.com/whatnameisit/Asus-Vivobook-X510UA-BQ490-Hackintosh/blob/docs/Docs/README.md accordingly.

I think it should go in the root of your repository also because both OC and Clover are using the same Battery patch and the README should be the same for both. If you agree, I can make a pull request on this part.

LeeBinder commented 3 years ago

dGPU: yes, great input - all of that makes sense, is most streamlined and would indeed be linear with OC. I'll implement as soon as I get back to h'toshing.

Battery ReadMe.md: agreed, too - I'll move it anyway to keep our repos as parallel as possible and leave an additional pull request up to you.

LeeBinder commented 3 years ago

all done + included in new 11.0.1 release because the ReadMe has changed/ to avoid confusion with old/new ReadMe

Because I'm uploading a .dmg with Mac meta files as release, I also added a .gitattributes file to / of this repo with this content:

# don't include any file & folder in release's source code
* export-ignore


LeeBinder commented 3 years ago

@whatnameisit when you include and activate VerifyMsrE2 in OC config.plist, then run it via OC boot menu, do you get

This firmware has UNLOCKED MSR 0xE2 register!

? I don't - still locked after following all instructions on https://dortania.github.io/OpenCore-Post-Install/misc/msr-lock.html

As per UEFITool > ifrextract, CFG Lock offset of X510UAR-AS.310 is 0x527, but all commands via grub with 0x527 and also 0x527 0x00 produce GUID or/ and out of range errors, and check via VerifyMsrE2 -> still locked :(

LeeBinder commented 3 years ago

It's possible to have MSR 0xE2 register unlocked persistently in our VivoBooks' UEFI BIOS, even after loading Setup Defauts in UEFI BIOS, see [Solved - BIOS Unlock] ASUS VivoBook F510UA/X510UAR: #52 (open the spoiler) and the posts before.

whatnameisit commented 3 years ago

I once received locked message after I unlocked CFG with grub. Reboot fixed the message and could see unlocked. Other than that I have no problem unlocking CFG with grub on Vivobook and two other machines. I could only say check and see if you typed in the command correctly: setup_var 0x527 0x00. If not, the firmware would be resetting itself after each boot/reboot I think?

LeeBinder commented 3 years ago

just a quick note now, more later tonite: SOLVED/ unlocked :)

LeeBinder commented 3 years ago

I filed an issue because it's more than necessary, see https://github.com/dortania/bugtracker/issues/170

Feel free to test this yourself and file your findings there. It always sucks to be alone in an issue and get brushed off with "we don't believe you" :|

LeeBinder commented 3 years ago

m u u u u ch easier -> CFGLock - unlock (MSR 0xE2) !!!

LeeBinder commented 3 years ago

hi @whatnameisit I added 'MSR E2 register unlock' info & material for OC & Clover, see here.

Next, to keep up and sync with you, I'll switch VoodooI2C from polling (back) to interrupts (🥇!) and test locally here on my VivoBook first. I hope this will solve these sporadic erratic/ spastic/ jerky pointer movements once and for all (not too hopeful, though, because I experience them in Windows, too, no matter with which driver - tried'em all). I'll know after a few days testing.

LeeBinder commented 3 years ago

@whatnameisit updated and refined MSR unlock instructions incl. photos and screenshot snippets:
