LeeHanYeong / django-secrets-manager

Django SecretsManager is a package that helps you manage the secrets used by Django through various services.
MIT License
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A little help with code-deploy #12

Open arkD opened 2 years ago

arkD commented 2 years ago
  1. Using the AWS Credentials Profile

    Recommended for use in development environments

//////////// this part does not seem right for use with code-deploy? Set Profile of IAM User with SecretsManagerReadWrite Permission to ~/.aws/credentials. The following example uses the profile name sample-project-secretsmanager

[sample-project-secretsmanager] aws_access_key_id = AKI***** aws_secret_access_key = Mlp****

Then enter the profile name in AWS_SECRETS_MANAGER_PROFILE (or AWS_PROFILE) of the settings module.


AWS_SECRETS_MANAGER_PROFILE = 'sample-project-secrets-manager'


///////////////// doesn't this defeat the purpose of using a secrets manager? Effectively saving the keys to the kingdom in the ///////////////// settings file?


AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = 'aws-access-key-id' AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = 'aws-secret-access-key'