LeeKamentsky / python-javabridge

Python wrapper for the Java Native Interface
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python-javabridge prevents from app termination and overrides atexit #155

Open arogozhnikov opened 5 years ago

arogozhnikov commented 5 years ago

But this code is never reached, no matter where I put

LeeKamentsky commented 5 years ago

This is a chicken and egg problem I think. There are threads that are started by Javabridge and those are not terminated until javabridge.kill_vm() is run. If I remember right, the atexit function won't be called until those threads are terminated. I've always called javabridge.kill_vm() as part of normal program termination. I did try using atexit, but it did not work. Sorry about this - it's a limitation of the JVM and something I can't get around.

thomas-villani commented 3 years ago

In case anyone else is seeking an elegant solution to this problem, I think I've found a way. If you place the call to starting javabridge into a custom Thread subclass, and run that thread as a daemon with another class to keep track of the instance, and call the kill function on termination of the instance, then when the program execution finishes and it is only waiting on daemon threads, it will delete the instance referring to the javabridge thread, and then properly call the javabridge.kill_vm() command with atexit.

See below:

import javabridge
import logging
import bioformats
import atexit
from threading import Thread

log = logging.getLogger("JVM")


class JavaBridgeException(Exception):

class _JBridgeThread(Thread):

    def run(self) -> None:
        log.debug("Starting javabridge")
        javabridge.start_vm(class_path=bioformats.JARS, max_heap_size=f"{JVM.HEAP_SIZE}G")
        rootLoggerName = javabridge.get_static_field("org/slf4j/Logger", "ROOT_LOGGER_NAME", "Ljava/lang/String;")
        rootLogger = javabridge.static_call("org/slf4j/LoggerFactory", "getLogger",
        jvm_log_level = javabridge.get_static_field("ch/qos/logback/classic/Level", JAVABRIDGE_DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL,
        javabridge.call(rootLogger, "setLevel", "(Lch/qos/logback/classic/Level;)V", jvm_log_level)

    def kill(self):
        log.debug("Killing javabridge")

class JVM:

    _jvm_thread = None
    _jvm_instance = None

    def __init__(self):
        JVM._jvm_thread = _JBridgeThread(daemon=True)

    def __del__(self):

    def start():
        if JVM._jvm_instance is None:
            JVM._jvm_instance = JVM()

    def stop():
        if JVM._jvm_instance is not None:
            del JVM._jvm_instance
            JVM._jvm_instance = None

if __name__ == "__main__":

    import time
    print("something else")

Which gives on execution the following:

Starting javabridgesomething

something else
Killing javabridge

Process finished with exit code 0
arogozhnikov commented 3 years ago

@thomas-villani I've done it differently, but that's a very nice solution!

posutsai commented 2 years ago

@thomas-villani I've tried another solution. There is an argument of threading.Thread constructor in Python named daemon. If you make the spawned thread as daemon, the main thread will exit without waiting for child thread and the registered atexit hook function will be executed.

Following is a workaround with daemonic JVM thread.

import functools
import threading
import javabridge as jb
import bioformats as bf

old_init = threading.Thread.__init__
# Make JVM as daemon
threading.Thread.__init__ = functools.partialmethod(old_init, daemon=True)
threading.Thread.__init__ = old_init

However, I am not quite sure if there is any side effect. @LeeKamentsky I would like to know if you have any comment.

LeeKamentsky commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your suggestion @posutsai. It's worth a try, please report back if it works. I think I might have tried this in the past, but not with the daemon trick.

I wish I could add this to start_vm to make everything automatic, but I feel bad about monkey-patching the threading module - that seems very intrusive to do inside a package.

posutsai commented 2 years ago

Thank you @LeeKamentsky. Making JVM thread a daemon seems work perfectly and nothing goes wrong. I totally agree with your bad feeling about patching threading module. If possible, I would like to open a PR to make user able to configure JVM as daemon or not, which simply add the daemon argument in here.

def start_vm(args=None, class_path=None, max_heap_size=None, run_headless=False, as_daemon=True):
       # ....
       __start_thread = threading.Thread(target=start_thread, daemon=as_daemon)
LeeKamentsky commented 2 years ago

Thank you @posutsai! I'd welcome a pull request.