Leeds-MRG / Minos

SIPHER Microsimulation for estimating the effect on Income policy on mental health.
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updating data generation pipeline to python 3.11? #392

Open RobertClay opened 7 months ago

RobertClay commented 7 months ago

as we're hoping on being able to run R3.4 any day now it might be nice to try and upgrade the python version to a more faster modern version. will require some debugging of old pandas mainly. should just be an afternoon of painful debugging.

paddy-r commented 7 months ago

@RobertClay also see #159 from yonks ago...

RobertClay commented 7 months ago

did you get very far? can do this if you really want..

paddy-r commented 7 months ago

No, never did it, was just sticking a pin in it, so might be best to close that one, as this supersedes it.

RobertClay commented 6 months ago

raw data

locf imputation


final us

RobertClay commented 6 months ago

actually mananged to get a stable env working with python 3.11 and R4.3.3. runs all the way through to transition models with an extra step to get lme4 installed.

create env activate env R install.packages("lme4", type="source") library(lme4)#check its install and run a little test model. should see some output. lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (1|Subject), sleepstudy) Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod'] Formula: Reaction ~ Days + (1 | Subject) Data: sleepstudy REML criterion at convergence: 1786.465 Random effects: Groups Name Std.Dev. Subject (Intercept) 37.12
Residual 30.99
Number of obs: 180, groups: Subject, 18 Fixed Effects: (Intercept) Days
251.41 10.47

make transitions_default

RobertClay commented 6 months ago

anyway, shelving this for now. getting new vivarium working seems like a decent sized job for another issue.

RobertClay commented 6 months ago
