LeelaChessZero / lczero-training

For code etc relating to the network training process.
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update init.sh to print useful info #200

Closed teck45 closed 2 years ago

teck45 commented 2 years ago

init.sh will print ls command of folder with proto files, so user will see they exist and successfully patched

mooskagh commented 2 years ago

Doesn't seem very useful to be honest.

teck45 commented 2 years ago

It is useful, because if person sees some output he/she will remember it was done, also print will tell what actually was done and where those files are, useful in case they are missing.

teck45 commented 2 years ago

For example contributing client don't need to output thousands of lines - one per each generated game. That's why we limit it in colab scripts

... 2>&1 >/dev/null | grep --line-buffered -v trainDir | sed --unbuffered -n '0~{GAMES}p'

But zero output is also wrong, especially when operation is done once by person looking at monitor. If we renaming something we print what was done, moving - also from and where, and so on. Computer should communicate =)

teck45 commented 2 years ago

I'm not saying print statement there is life changing piece of code, but it improves usability =)