LeftTwixWand / Inventory

New version of Microsoft Inventory sample, built on WinUI 3, using DDD and Clean Architecture approach
MIT License
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Replace my implementation of StronglyTypedId to andrewlock's implementation #62

Closed LeftTwixWand closed 8 months ago

LeftTwixWand commented 9 months ago

It would be better to use andrewlock/StronglyTypedId to simplify the code.

LeftTwixWand commented 8 months ago

After some testing, I decided not to use this package because see no purpose in it. I still have to create a struct for it, moreover, I don't want to use any other dependencies, like Newtonsoft.Json or EfCoreConvertes in the domain project.

public readonly record struct ProductId(Guid Value)
    public static ProductId New => new(Guid.NewGuid());