LeftValues / leftvalues.github.io

LeftValues, a leftist political quiz
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Update lang_ko.json #56

Closed yunobo closed 4 years ago

yunobo commented 4 years ago

Correct translation for Democratic centralism is "민주집중제". Source: https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/%EB%AF%BC%EC%A3%BC%EC%A7%91%EC%A4%91%EC%A0%9C

zeratax commented 4 years ago

@JaeHyeongBae thank you for your contribution, but it's preferred to edit the translation with the Webinterface: https://l10n.dmnd.sh/translate/leftvalues/leftvalues/ko/?q=question_43&checksum=&offset=

If you could submit your change there