LeftValues / leftvalues.github.io

LeftValues, a leftist political quiz
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German Changes and Corrections #93

Closed FlorianXXIV closed 10 months ago

FlorianXXIV commented 11 months ago

I rephrased some stuff, to make it sound better (imo) And corrected grammatical errors.

Here are my reasonings for each line:

line 12:

line 16:

line 19:

line 27:

line 32:

line 34:

line 35:

line 36:

line 37:

line 43:

line 45:

line 47:

line 49:

line 59:

line 63:

line 70:

line 84:

line 102:

line 107:

line 116:

line 121:

line 125:

line 127:

line 128:

line 129:

line 131:

line 135:

line 143: