Legacy-Players / LegacyPlayersV4

This project is a reboot of https://github.com/Geigerkind/LegacyPlayersV4 by Geigerkind, designed to resolve the scalability issues encountered by previous iterations and ensuring a smoother, richer experience for users.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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The logging addon erases SPELLFAILCASTSELF and SPELLFAILPERFORMSELF strings, breaking the functionality of many other addons [vanilla] #25

Open balakethelock opened 6 months ago

balakethelock commented 6 months ago

Some addons like chronometer and the whole ace library SpellStatus rely on the event CHAT_MSG_SPELL_FAILED_LOCALPLAYER that fires when the player fails to cast a spell to print a message with that spell's name in chat.

The logging addon replaces these messages with info needed to fill player armory pages, and when it's done with that info it replaces them with NONE.

I suggest that instead of replacing it completely, the addon keeps the original "you fail to perform %s" spell and concatenates the necessary info for its logs after it.

Then the combatlog parser can be changed to simply ignore the first part of that message

Screenshots to clarify the image: With the log addon image

Without it image

How it can be made more convenient for the logger: You fail to perform whirlwind: Not Enough Rage. CONSOLIDATED: ZONE_INFO... etc The website's parser can then just ignore everything before the first period of the string.

I'd highly appreciate if this gets implemented, the number one reason that makes people dislike doing logs is it bugs out a lot of their addons that they use to track their debuff timers.