Legacy-Players / LegacyPlayersV4

This project is a reboot of https://github.com/Geigerkind/LegacyPlayersV4 by Geigerkind, designed to resolve the scalability issues encountered by previous iterations and ensuring a smoother, richer experience for users.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Many global strings have an unnecessary space between the unit's name and the possessive " 's " #26

Open balakethelock opened 6 months ago

balakethelock commented 6 months ago

A quick ctrl+f search in https://github.com/YamaYAML/LegacyPlayersV4/blob/45bcf125bf623404721d6420089c397ff0088d69/Addons/AdvancedVanillaCombatLog/core.lua#L567C45-L567C45 shows 84 instances of a space being placed between unit name and the " 's "

This breaks a lot of addons that need to read events from combat log. Example: Bigwigs

melbaa commented 5 months ago

There's also an advantage of having the extra space, it makes the log file grammar a bit less ambiguous to parse, because the 's is never part of an interesting token and serves as a separator. eg Earthbind Totem 's Earthbind was evaded by Anvilrage Footman. when you see the " 's " you know the npc/player name has ended. while with Earthbind Totem's Earthbind was evaded by Anvilrage Footman. it's not obvious what Earthbind Totem's Earthbind is, because ' is allowed inside npc names. Harder to tell when the npc name ends and spell name starts. You need context or lookahead/lookbehind lookups or multiple passes over the line to parse it all and then to remove the optional trailing 's from names.

The legacyplayers code currently considers 's as part of a name to be an error. https://github.com/YamaYAML/LegacyPlayersV4/blob/8cd83675602a1ba6df34e58a034f4539f1d7bd6e/Backend/src/modules/live_data_processor/tools/cbl_parser/wow_vanilla/parse_unit.rs#L20-L21

parsing would have to change a bit https://github.com/YamaYAML/LegacyPlayersV4/blob/8cd83675602a1ba6df34e58a034f4539f1d7bd6e/Backend/src/modules/live_data_processor/tools/cbl_parser/wow_vanilla/parser.rs#L97-L142

And then there's the question of backwards compatibility versus invalidating all old logs + telling everyone to update the combat log addon they have.

YamaYAML commented 5 months ago

Interesting find! As each upload is parsed during upload the damage is done but we should definately look into the logger for future use and less breaking of other add-ons. Tbc