Legacy-Players / LegacyPlayersV4

This project is a reboot of https://github.com/Geigerkind/LegacyPlayersV4 by Geigerkind, designed to resolve the scalability issues encountered by previous iterations and ensuring a smoother, richer experience for users.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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if logs are from the future date them back one year #33

Closed gwetchen closed 6 months ago

gwetchen commented 6 months ago

The server currently assumes logs are from current year, this makes it so that logs that would be in the future are dated back one year. There is a 24 hour grace period to avoid any timezone issues. E.g. if you upload a log from 17/11/2022 the server would currently date it 17/11/2024, meaning the log will stay on top of the PVE page until that date is reached. This would date the log to 17/11/2023 instead. This isn't ideal and could be improved by taking the date from custom messages such as COMBATANT_INFO.