LegacyXperia / local_manifests

Local manifest for building CyanogenMod for Xperia 2011 devices
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SMS messaging unread counts #1109

Open boldcompany opened 7 years ago

boldcompany commented 7 years ago

Running cm-13.0-20161109-UNOFFICIAL-LegacyXperia-satsuma on ST17i.

I would like to see the number of unread SMS messages in the notification area. Enabling (Settings > Status Bar > Show notification count) does show email counts but not SMS messages.

I have tried using other launchers (Nova, etc.) with unread-count support but they all make the phone under CM13 extremely unstable.

Only other option I have found is a couple unread counters (Notifyer, etc.) which are flagged as dangerous by my security software.

Is there any native, best-practice way to get SMS unread counts displayed in notification area (or even on icons or in tray)?

niks255 commented 7 years ago

We are not developing the ROM itself, all we do is port it to LX devices. We do not add or remove any features. Sorry.

boldcompany commented 7 years ago

Niks255, thank you for this swift reply. I really appreciate it.

Sure, I understand that the ROM is a port (and thank you for it!). I would just like to know if you, as the developers on this project, have a recommended / best-practices way to achieve the goal of SMS unread counts visible somewhere such as notification area, icon badges, in the tray, etc. There are a number of ways which don't work so well (as described above) so any advice you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

niks255 commented 7 years ago

I never tried to do that actually. If third-party apps are way too heavy for you, I don't think there's anything else to try.

boldcompany commented 7 years ago

In your experience, do you have any suggestions for getting 3rd-party launchers like Nova to work on the 2011-series Xperia devices? When I install such, the phone will run for about 30 minutes and then completely crash (unresponsive, black screen) with pulling battery the only recovery option. Are there straightforward settings, etc. that can help the more limited phones handle larger packages like Nova?

I apologize for asking such pedantic questions (I work in app development but don't understand the firmware world as much).

niks255 commented 7 years ago

You should try this app https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=co.uk.cornwall_solutions.notifyer&hl=en And uninstall whatever security app you have. It slows down your phone more than anything else without any benefits whatsoever. LX devices don't have much RAM already, you don't want security software on low-ram phone running in the background.