LegalComponents / IAuth

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Display text of authorizations from external IdP as one of the clauses in the new IAuth dynamic contract type. #6

Open dazzaji opened 8 years ago

dazzaji commented 8 years ago

This will be a matter of using design elements like material design or maybe bootstrap and having re-usable clauses in a template that we dynamically update for each user to by in sync with the authorizations they current have active. Some clauses between the user and UnWorkshop account service (like the liability and venue) may be the same no matter how many or few authorizations a user currently has active.

dazzaji commented 8 years ago

Google Authorization Info

screen shot 2016-02-22 at 11 13 26 pm

For Google, using the "login" only scope, we would expect to have the following words (or something really close and that links to the actual words they actually clicked on) in the account screen for the user when the auth for Google is active:

"iAuth would like to:

View your email address

View your basic profile info

By clicking Allow, you allow this app and Google to use your information in accordance with their respective terms of service and privacy policies. You can change this and other Account Permissions at any time."

Managing App Authorizations

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Individual App Permissions Display

Using example app "Calendly" when app card from full list is clicked, it expands to show:

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Notice that "Authorization date: October 3, 2015" is displayed at bottom of the card.

Individual App Permissions "Management" (IE Revocation)

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Finer Grained Authorization Management

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Clicking "edit" shows options for more specific authorizations, in this case, selecting specific "circles" NPR app is authorized to access.

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Other Resources

Good Articles, How-Do Guides and Other Resources


dazzaji commented 8 years ago

GitHub Authorization Info

GitHub Login

githublogin-screen shot 2016-02-26 at 3 09 50 am

IAuth currently uses this for login:

Public data only Limited access to your public data. This application will be able to identify you and read public information. this is what the test says.

Individual User-Facing References and Resources:

GitHub Authorized Applications

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