01:03:04 [INFO] Enabling EssentialsPE v2.0.0
01:03:04 [CRITICAL] Error: "Undefined class constant 'pocketmine\block\Block::SIGN_POST'" (EXCEPTION) in "/plugins/EssentialsPE-plugin/src/EssentialsPE/Loader" at line 95
01:03:04 [INFO] Disabling EssentialsPE v2.0.0
01:03:04 [CRITICAL] TypeError: "Return value of EssentialsPE\Loader::getAPI() must be an instance of EssentialsPE\BaseFiles\BaseAPI, null returned" (EXCEPTION) in "/plugins/EssentialsPE-plugin/src/EssentialsPE/Loader" at line 402
01:03:04 [INFO] Enabling EssentialsPE v2.0.0 01:03:04 [CRITICAL] Error: "Undefined class constant 'pocketmine\block\Block::SIGN_POST'" (EXCEPTION) in "/plugins/EssentialsPE-plugin/src/EssentialsPE/Loader" at line 95 01:03:04 [INFO] Disabling EssentialsPE v2.0.0 01:03:04 [CRITICAL] TypeError: "Return value of EssentialsPE\Loader::getAPI() must be an instance of EssentialsPE\BaseFiles\BaseAPI, null returned" (EXCEPTION) in "/plugins/EssentialsPE-plugin/src/EssentialsPE/Loader" at line 402
Crashdump or console errors