LegendTime1 / Simulation

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how to run rover_descrip #1

Open atticusrussell opened 1 year ago

atticusrussell commented 1 year ago

I was wondering what command you use to launch the rover? I've used python launch files before, but it looks like you have a bunch of .launch files that I'm not sure how to execute.

LegendTime1 commented 1 year ago

.launch files only work with ROS1. The command is used was "roslaunch package_name launch_filename".

1) cd into the workspace 2) catkin_make In a new terminal window 3) source devel/setup.bash 4) source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash 5) roslaunch package-name launch-file-name

These are the steps you need to follow.

Note: There is a problem running the launch files in rover_descrip that I haven't been able to solve so running those launch files might give an error. However if you want to generate .launch.py files for your robot there is an extension in fusion360 that you can use which gives you all the necessary files needed to run the robot in Ros2. Here it is for reference https://github.com/dheena2k2/fusion2urdf-ros2