Leggin / dirigera

This repository provides an unofficial Python client for controlling the IKEA Dirigera Smart Home Hub.
MIT License
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Make pm25 and voc optional #55

Closed eric14142004 closed 3 months ago

eric14142004 commented 3 months ago

Dirigera currently supports third-party zigbee sensors, such as Aqara temperature sensors.

These sensors may not necessarily have pm25 and voc attributes:

{ "attributes": { "currentRH": 49, "currentTemperature": 22.0100002288818, "customName": "aqara_sensor", "firmwareVersion": "", "hardwareVersion": "", "manufacturer": "AQARA", "model": "lumi.sensor_ht", "permittingJoin": false, "productCode": "WSDCGQ01LM", "serialNumber": "serialNumber" }, "capabilities": { "canReceive": [ "customName" ], "canSend": [ ] }, "createdAt": "2023-06-28T16:22:56.000Z", "deviceSet": [ ], "deviceType": "environmentSensor", "id": "id", "isHidden": false, "isReachable": true, "lastSeen": "2024-03-24T14:53:28.000Z", "remoteLinks": [ ], "room": { "color": "ikea_pink_no_6", "icon": "rooms_ladle", "id": "id", "name": "kitchen" }, "type": "sensor" }