Legion2 / Somfy_Remote_Lib

Emulate a Somfy remote using a 433.42 MHz transmitter.
Apache License 2.0
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Pinout schematic #1

Closed tshabarek closed 3 years ago

tshabarek commented 3 years ago

Hi all Can Someone please help me with the wiring schematic Arduino uno with cc101 Thanks

Legion2 commented 3 years ago


tshabarek commented 3 years ago

Thank you legion2 I will try these wiring with my somfy device and let you know

tshabarek commented 3 years ago

Dear legion2 I tried to connect CC1101 and Arduino Uno according to Lsatan library :https://github.com/LSatan/SmartRC-CC1101-Driver-Lib#wiring When I press in serial monitor any number from 1 to 8 nothing is happening I even tried to write the name of the orders ,I think it should send me back this message "finished sending"

ifdef DEBUG

    Serial.println("finished sending");

but nothing is happening ,what did I do wrong? Thank you very much

Legion2 commented 3 years ago

should send me back this message "finished sending"

only if you put #define DEBUG in the top of the sketch

tshabarek commented 3 years ago

Yes right when I added #define DEBUG it starts to send message.

But the smofy motor didn't responce to my attempts I pressed the Prog button in the original somfy motor and the motor moved up and down waiting for the new remote The I pressed number 8 in the serial monitor but the somfy device didnt responce. I wonder if I should use logic level converter in order to work? Thank you

Legion2 commented 3 years ago

did you setup the CC1101 correncty and did you use https://github.com/Legion2/Somfy_Remote_Lib/blob/main/examples/CC1101/CC1101.ino?

tshabarek commented 3 years ago

Yes I used "CC1101.ino" file and uploaded it to the arduino device and I did the wirinig as shown I trued Arduino mega and Uno Is there anytjing should be setted up in the code?

Legion2 commented 3 years ago

Can you enable the DEBUG in every file, so we get more serial output? Either you add #define DEBUG to all the library files or you add uno.build.extra_flags=-DDEBUG to AppData\Local\arduino15\packages\arduino\hardware\avr\1.8.3\boards.txt below the other uno. lines.

tshabarek commented 3 years ago

Okay I will apply debbuging to all files I will try Esp32 with it tommorrow and let you know. Thanks

tshabarek commented 3 years ago

Hi Leon, I tried arduini mega with the cheap RF module after changing the crystals to 433.42mhz It is working well. But I couldn't know how to change between channels when using multi channel code. Can you please help me with. Your work most appreciated. Thank you,

Legion2 commented 3 years ago

MultipleRemotes.ino is only an example to demonstrate how it works, you have to modify it for your use case and implement the selection of the remote yourself.