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Isgebind abilities/spells #1328

Closed Thotless closed 7 years ago

Thotless commented 7 years ago

Date & Time: 1/24/2017 0700

FFXI Client Version (use /ver): 30161227_1

Server's Expected Client Version matches, yes/no? (use $ecv): yes

Character Name: Thotless

Nation: Bastok

Job(level)/Sub Job(level): WAR99/SAM49

NPC or Monster or item Name: Isgebind

Zone name: Abyssea-Uleguerand Range

Coordinates (use $where): X:166 Y:-116 Z:430 (3).

ffxiah.com link (for items issues only):

Multi-boxing? (multiple clients on same connection): Yes

Steps To Reproduce / any other info: Where to begin... First off its not supposed to fly, It casts Freeze and Freeze 2 which are not supposed to be on its spell list. Worst of all the only TP move it uses is Absolute Terror. Its supposed to use Horrid roar, Glacial Breath, and Gregale wing as well but it doesn't.
This means for almost all the jobs in the game you are stuck in a limbo of not being able to hit him because hes flying, or because you are frozen in terror. Of course you may say the simple solution to this is to bring more people, but that doesn't help either because a tank wouldn't be able to hold agro because they cant do anything to gain emnity. Yet another fight Blue mages excel at because while its flying they can just spam nukes and they can simply stun any attempt at isgebind using absolute terror. Not to mention he also gains resistance to physical attacks throughout the fight, which is an even bigger kick in the balls to melee jobs, but not an issue for blue mage. This isn't about blue mage balancing though so I digress

TeoTwawki commented 7 years ago

First off its not supposed to fly, It casts Freeze and Freeze 2 which are not supposed to be on its spell list.

welcome to THIS IS NOT RETAIL, where things get customized. Loki tried to make this dude harder. Looks like he overachieved.

All of abyssea is overdue for rebalancing. Its being worked on but it will take some time.

R3P0FFXI commented 7 years ago

@Thotless bring blm

Thotless commented 7 years ago

@R3P0FFXI like i was inferring above, if you were to bring a blm to nuke, the blm would pull agro and die fairly quickly because the warrior/ninja/paladin wouldn't be able to stack enmity very well if they can never hit the enemy due to isgebind flying or them being constantly terror'd. Maybe im wrong though?

@TeoTwawki right I understand that its not retail and that you have customized things, but its impossible for me to know your goal with balancing so I am reporting what feels wrong. Its completely up to you if you agree or not.

Thanks for the responses

TeoTwawki commented 7 years ago

@Thotless right now is he not landing at all? Because I'm seeing that bug with other flying wyrms. Only 1 wyrm is supposed to perma fly. And like I said overdue for rebalancing, I agree with things be cray cray right now. If it were balanced right and lands when it should, it should then be possible to tank it long enough for nukers to bring it down to the ground again (there's both a timer AND a health % check involved, whichever is reached first should make it land).

Thotless commented 7 years ago

It does land. However while in the sky, and upon landing, or very shortly after he will use a TP ability. The issue is the only TP ability he is using is Absolute Terror. By the time the Terror wears off he will then be very close to flying, using terror again, or both.

TeoTwawki commented 7 years ago

yeah he should be using sleet breath when flying..

Thotless commented 7 years ago

Even if he didn't fly at all the fact that he only uses terror would be an issue in my opinion. There's just not enough time inbetween his abilities to do anything substantial.

TeoTwawki commented 7 years ago

~~er not sleet..whichever breath type for his model sleet is jormy~~ Oh I guess it IS sleet for him too...ok then..On retail he's justa jormy that doesn't fly, Loki used Jormy as a base here, tried to make Jormy 2.0

TeoTwawki commented 7 years ago

yes its a prob, shouldn't bee doing that..

Thotless commented 7 years ago

It's by no means a high priority issue. Hes still able to be killed it just takes like 4x as long as it should and requires like 2-3x more healing efficiency than normal. Its just not a balanced, and a very angering battle even when overgeared for it lol.

TeoTwawki commented 7 years ago

Doe he never use anything else ever? I'm not seeing a reason, he's got all Jormy's moves available to him (its the same skill list!)

Thotless commented 7 years ago

In 4 fights with him i only ever saw him once use something else. Dragon's Breath or something and it literally set my hp to 1, that or it perfectly did 3900~ damage and just so happened to leave me with 1 hp. Otherwise yes, that's all he has used

TeoTwawki commented 7 years ago

sounds like extreme bad luck rather than busted skill list. if he can use it once he can use it more than once. Breath dmg is HP based (high his HP, harder it'll hit).

Thotless commented 7 years ago

lol....i don't think it was just bad luck, why don't you give it a try yourself?

Thotless commented 7 years ago

Like i said I did 4 attempts, each attempt was 20ish mins long, enough for him to use like 40+ abilities per fight.

TeoTwawki commented 7 years ago

lol... I don't think you understand how mobskills work, why don't you learn to code yourself?

See how that sort of response doesn't work?

TeoTwawki commented 7 years ago

Plain and simple: if it used it once the skill DOES work, and can be used again. there is nothing stopping it from selecting any skill it has ever selected. If the dice don't say dragon breath it doesn't dragon breath. I'll fix what I can when I can.

R3P0FFXI commented 7 years ago

@Thotless This is where restraint comes into play when attacking mobs. In a case like this you use 2 tanks PLD on the ground and Ninja to tank in the air because ninja can just spam the elemental wheel and / drk for stun. Of course BLM and Blu cannot just go all out when it is in the air they need to slow dmg just enough to bring it down while the ninja keeps it in position.

Once again these mobs are not designed to be soloed by a persons little group. You are in an area designed for an alliance to kill and do things.

R3P0FFXI commented 7 years ago

@Thotless issue resolved in todays update